Hi! I’m Saya. 👋

I’m an all-rounder Computer Science R&D engineer with a specialty in Python and C, Systems Administration, Robotics and Embedded Systems.

My past experiences and projects have given me opportunities to work in software development such as (but not limited to) embedded development, Android development as well as desktop software development ; but also DevOps, computer security, infrastructure automation and management, as well as robotics and human-robot interactions. My knowledge gives me a toolbox allowing me to adapt to any projects I find interesting. I do, however, specialize in Python and C developement, Systems Administration, scripting, automation and DevOps.

I’m currently working as a Systems Administrator and DevOps, automating infrastructure as code both on-premise and using Microsoft Azure. In the past, I was working on a Human-Robot Interactions research project, notably on social robots to make them interact with humans through pose estimation, head tracking, sounds and touch interactions, and multi-modal conversational analysis. Before that, I’ve also worked in creating automation tools to integrate automated security audits into DevOps pipelines and IT infrastructures management for a huge company, as well as defining IT infrastructures (both servers and networking) security and hardening policies and monitoring.

My technical skillset revolves mostly around Python, C, Bash, Linux systems, Ansible, Docker and other DevOps/SRE tools ; as I mainly work on personal infrastructures, software tools, embedded software, automation and Linux administration on my free time.

The creations I am allowed to make open-source are available on my GitHub.

If you want to contact me, don’t hesitate to send me an email on the following address: saya-rbt (at) proton (dot) me, or through my personal email address if you know it.

Thank you for reading and please enjoy your browsing 😊


What to expect on this website?

This website will host some write-ups of projects I’ve worked on, as well as thoughts and ideas. Sometimes, you might see ideas I started exploring but never quite explored it fully, but that I felt like sharing or documenting anyway.

I also usually use reveal.js whenever I want to make a presentation, since I find it very comfortable to use. If I feel like some of these presentations might be worth sharing, I will host them here as well.

I also have opinions and thoughts on other topics than robotics or computer science, and whenever I’ll feel like having a platform to share them is a good idea I’ll probably use this website.

There is something on this website I would like to discuss with you/I would like to contact you for business/projects/anything, where can I reach you?

I would be glad to discuss anything you might be interested in sharing with me! Please send me an email at saya-rbt@proton.me.

How is this website made?

This website is made with Hugo, using the theme PaperMod.

The code for this website might be made available publicly in the future, or not, I haven’t decided that part yet. It really isn’t anything fancy anyway, it’s really just a basic Hugo website with a specific theme.

As for any reveal.js presentation I might host here, I might also make them open-source if I feel like it, and I’ll decide for each one specifically.

In general for this website as well as anything I do on the internet, nothing is set in stone and I reserve myself the right to make it public or not.