LORE-friendliness: My design philosophy for everything IT

UPDATE March 1st, 2023: After reading this article again, I find there are both inaccuracies and straight up wrong ideas written in there. I’d like to put out an updated version whenever I have time, hopefully soon. In the meantime, please take all this with a grain of salt. Throughout my experiences in IT, I have managed to develop and uphold my own set of good practices on top of all the common one we see in the industry ; such as clean code, good documentation, methodology, etc....

07/24/2022 · 10 min · Saya

ROS on Bedrock Linux

This post is a record of all the tweaks I’ve had to use to install and run ROS on Bedrock Linux, as well as issues I’ve had to face and the solutions I found for it. Note: this post is prone to editions, updates etc as I encounter more issues or have more tips to share. It is also important to note that I am in no way affiliated with ROS, Bedrock Linux or anything, I just happen to be trying it and thought I’d share anything I might deem useful for other people if they decide to run ROS on Bedrock Linux too....

08/14/2021 · 4 min · Saya

Hello world

This is my first post! Welcome to my website! I am mostly just figuring out how Hugo works for now, but I have to say it looks very promising. (There isn’t much else to see on this post, it is mostly a test/placeholder. You can leave this page, I promise there isn’t a hidden link or anything.)

06/14/2021 · 1 min · Saya