This post is a record of all the tweaks I’ve had to use to install and run ROS on Bedrock Linux, as well as issues I’ve had to face and the solutions I found for it.

Note: this post is prone to editions, updates etc as I encounter more issues or have more tips to share. It is also important to note that I am in no way affiliated with ROS, Bedrock Linux or anything, I just happen to be trying it and thought I’d share anything I might deem useful for other people if they decide to run ROS on Bedrock Linux too. I don’t know both of this tools well enough to provide advanced support, but you can always contact me for any questions!


Fetching the correct Ubuntu release

ROS works best with an Ubuntu/Debian release it matches. I’ve personally been using ROS Noetic, recommended for Ubuntu 20.04.

Ubuntu 20.04’s LTS release full name being Focal Fossa, the release name is focal. Therefore, I installed an Ubuntu stratum using brl fetch:

$ brl fetch ubuntu -r focal

You can also, optionally, give this stratum a specific name in order to differentiate it from your other stratas, with the -n flag.

If you plan on using a different ROS release, please make sure to have the correct Ubuntu LTS release as well.

You can list available Ubuntu releases with the following command :

$ brl fetch ubuntu --releases

And check what LTS release you need for your ROS distribution by checking the ROS Wiki.

Note: If you prefer to use Debian over Ubuntu, you can do so simply by replacing ubuntu by debian and focal by the release name (for ROS Noetic, buster)

Installing ROS

Once you have your stratum set up, you can simply carry on with the regular ROS installation process.

The only thing you have to do is prefix every command with strat ubuntu (or sudo strat ubuntu). Note: this might not be mandatory (I haven’t tried because it just didn’t feel like a good idea), but it’s best to do so in order to avoid any cross-stratum mishappenings.


Running roscore

Remember what I just told you about installing ROS specifically on the Ubuntu stratum? Well, using it is the same. You can just prefix it with the strat command:

$ strat ubuntu roscore

Even better yet, you can restrict the ROS environment to Ubuntu’s environment only:

$ strat -r ubuntu roscore

Doing so will prevent ROS from seeing cross-stratum hooks, and therefore should make it more stable.

You can find more information on Bedrock Linux’s documentation.

Running any other ROS command

Running any ROS command works the same way as roscore, so just run it on your Ubuntu stratum (and optionally restrict it).

Optional: transparent ROS integration to Bedrock Linux

If you don’t want to bother with using the strat command every time you want to run a ROS command, you can always define an alias that will do it for you:

alias ros="strat -r ubuntu ros"

For more details or aliases, you can check mine in the Aliases section.

Common issues and problems

roscore returns ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'defusedxml'

If, when running roscore, you get the following error (or similar):

$ roscore
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/bedrock/strata/ubuntu/opt/ros/noetic/bin/roscore", line 36, in <module>
    from rosmaster.master_api import NUM_WORKERS
  File "/bedrock/strata/ubuntu/opt/ros/noetic/lib/python3/dist-packages/rosmaster/", line 35, in <module>
    from .main import rosmaster_main
  File "/bedrock/strata/ubuntu/opt/ros/noetic/lib/python3/dist-packages/rosmaster/", line 43, in <module>
    import rosmaster.master
  File "/bedrock/strata/ubuntu/opt/ros/noetic/lib/python3/dist-packages/rosmaster/", line 47, in <module>
    import rosmaster.master_api
  File "/bedrock/strata/ubuntu/opt/ros/noetic/lib/python3/dist-packages/rosmaster/", line 72, in <module>
    from rosmaster.util import xmlrpcapi
  File "/bedrock/strata/ubuntu/opt/ros/noetic/lib/python3/dist-packages/rosmaster/", line 48, in <module>
    from defusedxml.xmlrpc import monkey_patch
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'defusedxml'

You’ve simply been running ROS without specifying the correct stratum, making ROS confused since it can not find the defusedxml library.

Just run it again by specifying the correct stratum with strat [-r] ubuntu roscore and you should be fine.


Here’s a list of the aliases I use for running ROS on Bedrock Linux. This list is non-exhaustive and I will add things as I experiment more:

# brl ros aliases
## brl ros prefix: just use like brlros core to run roscore, for instance
## you could rename it ros instead of brlros to have a seamless 
## ROS integration to Bedrock Linux, but I personally don't for clarity
function brlros { strat -r ubuntu ros$*; }